Beverly Grant
Mo’ Betta Green MarketPlace was launched on June 18, 2011 in the Historic
Five Points Neighborhood. This market is founded on three principles:
food literacy, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. The
mission of this farmers market focuses on broadening food access; providing
food and nutrition literacy; supporting local business and neighborhood
economy; showcasing neighborhood arts, history, and culture; shaping food
policy; defining new food infrastructure and new agribusiness opportunities;
and directly impacting the top four health disparities (cancer, diabetes,
obesity, and heart disease) through innovation, education, interaction, and
demonstration. The mission of this market also includes designing and
installing edible, medicinal landscapes and yard farming in the northeast
portion of Denver’s Food Desert neighborhoods. HEAL (Health, Eating, Active
Living) would sum up all of the market’s activities.
In October 2015, Seeds of Power Unity Farm (SOPUF) was established to
provide a community learning platform for urban agriculture and design; and
a small production site for heirloom vegetables sourced directly to Mo’ Betta
Green. Education, Preservation, and Food Self-Reliance are the founding
principles for SOPUF.
Some important outcomes of this market’s model are: improved community
connectedness; greater awareness of the correlation between food
consumption practices and personal health index; new culinary and lifestyle
skills; and overall health/wellness resource connection; and better inclusion
of disconnected populations to local food, health, wellness, and
environmental education.