Troy Grimes
Troy Grimes is a credentialed youth, family and community development professional. Currently, he is
employed with University of Colorado Boulder as the Partner Coordinator for the Youth Violence
Prevention Center-Denver. He also is the proud owner and founder of Project Proud Fatherhood
program a community based business serving youth, family and community. He is a former
Commissioner for the Mayor’s Denver African American Commission. Formerly, Troy worked for several years at Goodwill Industries where he worked as a Program Coordinator for their Healthy Relationships Program in the Career Services Department. Mr. Grimes has combined his education and his over 20 years of youth, family and community development experience to have a successful career empowering BIPOC and marginalized peoples. Troy has been commended for his work, receiving many awards including, ‘Outstanding Individual Fatherhood Practitioner’ by the Colorado Department of Human Services in 2008, ‘African Americans Who Make a Difference’ from Urban Spectrum 2016, My Brother’s Keeper 24 honoree in 2017. He has presented at national conferences such as, ‘International Prisoners Family Conference’, ‘National Association of Black Social Workers conference’, and many local venues as an expert in Fatherhood and Family Development. Troy prides himself on being a loving father of 8 children (5 boys and 3 girls), husband and caring member of society. In addition, Mr. Grimes coaches Varsity Basketball for the FNE Warriors, and assists in managing his youth athletics program, Parkhill Falcons. He attributes his deeds, his awareness and involvement in the community to his parents and the experiences he himself had, along with the positive impact the Parkhill Falcons had on him. One of Troy’s favorite proverbs to live by is “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another…” Proverbs 27:17. #LLD